Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DailyKos calls for Richardson to drop out.

Even Wolf Blitzer called Richardson's 5 percent in New Hampshire, "very, very disappointing." The word is Richardson is heading back to New Mexico (if he isn't here already) to consider his game plan. Should he stay until Super Duper Tuesday, should he go back to governing? Personally, I'd like to see him stay until February, if only because I'm envious of the Republican's wide-open two-dozen-candidate race.

Sara Padilla, a NM resident and blogger, disagrees. On today's, Padilla respectfullybegs Richardson to drop out and drop out now.

Padilla writes:

"I can't help but wonder, if you threw your weight behind someone with a stronger candidacy going into the the next few weeks, if you might not have a stronger impact on the direction this country is headed. As one of your constituents, I look forward to seeing your continued career in American government. I believe that you still have great things ahead of you, and will continue to be a credit to our state. This year, though, we need you to take one for the team."

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